Book Your Nursery Tour

Mara Nursery Blog

Our Runnerbeans Room!

What an amazing first two weeks we have had in our new Runnerbeans room! 

The children have been getting stuck in with setting up the activities in their room, choosing their golden rules and familiarising themselves with the room and routine.

They have enjoyed writing their weekend news, reading and learning their new core text “Farmer Duck”, learning about colours and clearing our garden!

Next Week

We will continue to focus on name writing and alphabet recognition and association.

Our next Core Text will be Billy Goat Gruff

Next week is Healthy Eating Week!

We will be doing a lot of activities around healthy eating and talking to the children about what healthy eating is and foods that come under that.

We will be introducing Letter of the week as part of our mini Phonics. The letter to start will be ‘S s